Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5 Video Channels For Learning Basic Job Interview Skills

5 Video Channels For Learning Basic Job Interview Skills: "

job interview skillsHaving a job interview probably comes second to a stage performance when it comes to calling up butterflies in the stomach. An average man or woman will change quite a few jobs in their lifetime. And unless their father-in-law owns all the places, they have to sit in front of a grand inquisitor at least once in their lifetime.

Let’s just say that job interview skills are something that shouldn’t be left to rejections and experience: especially when you have a web-full of resources to coach you towards interview success.

A previous post on 5 Sites with Job Interview Tips to Help You Ace Your Interview is a great place to start.

YouTube gets the fifth mention. Coaching yourself using videos helps a lot because you can see for yourself not only what’s being spoken, but also how it’s being spoken.

So, let’s scour the web for some videos on interview skills that just might help you nail the next one that comes along.


job interview skills

Getting ready for an interview starts from dressing up for it. The eHow video series has eleven videos that explore the basic facets of giving interviews successfully. One of the valuable tips you can learn relates to the technique of presenting your weaknesses in a positive manner (How to Positively Present Your Weaknesses in a Job Interview).

How-to videos on interviews aren’t just limited to the eleven, you can check out a few more from the sidebar which lineup related videos. eHow has a dedicated channel on YouTube but I have always had a problem searching videos on it. The above video series is a good place to start.

BrianKrueger’s YouTube Channel

job interview tips

Brian Krueger runs a website for the entry level job seeker. The 68 video strong YouTube channel is an archive of useful job interview tips in a video format. The videos cover the entire spectrum of job search from writing a cover letter to negotiating a salary.

Although the videos are three years old, when it comes to interview pointers they are timeless. For instance, even the more cocky among us will stumble when asked – tell me something about yourself. Here’s the right way to respond with a hint from this 1 minute clip. This is probably one of the best interview resources on YouTube.

DenhamResources YouTube Channel

job interview tips

This YouTube channel also goes into the most fundamental (and the most penetrating) of interview questions. The 16 videos in the playlist cover almost all the basic questions you can expect to be thrown at you. The video format is more interactive as it is enacted as a simulated real world interview. You can pick up a few ideas from the videos which show the good, the bad, and the ugly ways of giving an interview.

Interview Dos and Don’ts

This four minute video from again goes into the ABCs of good and bad interviews. Something like turning off our cellphone wearing the right amount of perfume are oft-neglected preparatory steps. is a career management website for the entry level and the hardened professional.

Career Strides

job interview skills is a resume and a career service for students and professionals. The 68 promotional videos on interview challenges are presented with the aid of drawings, dialogues and captions. But the tips are on the button. For instance, how do you handle a job hopper image? The answer as the video shows is not to get defensive as in spite of your resume you have been invited to sit in the interviewee’s chair.

An interview is the first make or break moment one encounters on the job hunt. But unlike earlier times, now you have resources like YouTube and specialized interview coaching websites that help you cover all the bases. Apart from these channels which have bunched up interview coaching videos, there are a host of standalone videos. For instance, I came across the one below which goes into the very origins of job interviews…

Do you think job interview videos are a viable medium to lull those butterflies into silence? Let us know.

Image Credit: Shutterstock

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1 comment:

  1. Hi

    I read this post two times.

    I like it so much, please try to keep posting.

    Let me introduce other material that may be good for our community.

    Source: Interview skills

    Best regards


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