Are your shared folders in TrueCrypt volumes automatically resetting shared status on reboot? It is a fairly well known problem with very few available solutions. After few days of scouring the web and looking through handful of solutions, I have combined them in a simpler manner. The code below is well documented (:: comments) so that anyone with basic computer knowledge can edit it with ease.
Here we go...
Open notepad, or your favorite simple text editor (notepad++, etc.).
Copy and paste the following code, and follow the instructions in the lines beginning with two colons (::).
@echo off
:: These lines followed by two colons are comments. Please read them carefully.
:: Before you proceed, add your TrueCrypt volume(s) to "Favorites". Otherwise the parameters below won't work.
:: If you need help with adding TrueCrypt volume(s) to "Favorites", please refer to TrueCrypt user manual.
:: Do not check 'Mount selected volume upon logon', or any of the other options around it.
:: The user is required to enter the TrueCrypt password manually, as always, so the password will not be stored in a command file anywhere.
:: Except for entry of the TrueCrypt password, everything happens automatically when a user logs on.
:: The script which does the work will simply wait for the TrueCrypt volume to be mounted, then do the sharing.
:: Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) need not be disabled or modified.
:: Only simple batch commands using CMD.exe are required - no other scripting language.
:: There are no "tricks," no changes to the registry, no use of undocumented commands.
title Mount TrueCrypt Volume(s)
echo ENTER PASSWORD into TrueCrypt.....
:: Set path to "TrueCrypt.exe"
:: Only change what is between quotes if path to your "TrueCrypt.exe" differs from the one below.
:: For example, in a 64-bit installation the path would be "C:\Program Files\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe"
:: Please keep the parameters after the quotes unchanged.
@ "C:\Program Files (x86)\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe" /auto favorites /quit
:: The following code mounts your shared folder
:: This is how the commands "NET SHARE" work...
:: NET SHARE [share name]=[path] /GRANT:[user],[permission]
:: Note- The square brackets [] are for reference only, and should not be used in main commands.
:: [share name] can be any name you give to your particular shared folder.
:: [path] is the path to that folder.
:: [user] can be windows user name(s), or EVERYONE for the folder to be accessible to everyone.
:: [permission] can be FULL for full access, READ for read-only access, etc.
:: Important: If the [share name] or [path] contain space or special characters, put them between quotes. For example: "[share name]=[path]"
:: That is it for the batch command part. Save the file as [filename].bat; for example- truecrypt.bat
:: Follow the instructions bellow to add this batch file to windows startup...
:: Launch the Task Scheduler.
:: Create a new task.
:: Select an Admin account, run only when user is logged on, highest privileges.
:: Trigger at logon, all users (or a specific user), "enabled."
:: Start a program, browse for your script Whatever.cmd (or .bat)
:: Run as soon as possible if scheduled start is missed.
:: The command lines for two shared folders may look something like this...
NET SHARE "My Documents=D:\My Documents" /GRANT:EVERYONE,READ
It is recommended to copy-paste the code from the above pastebin link.
The script above may look intimidating, but it is only six lines of code. Rest of it is documentation.
title Mount TrueCrypt Volume(s)
echo ENTER PASSWORD into TrueCrypt.....
@ "C:\Program Files (x86)\TrueCrypt\TrueCrypt.exe" /auto favorites /quitNET SHARE Pics=D:\Pictures /GRANT:EVERYONE,FULLNET SHARE "My Documents=D:\My Documents" /GRANT:EVERYONE,READ
Also, if the NET SHARE command is executing before TrueCrypt completely loads the volumes, you can insert a delay command in your batch script between line 4 and 5 above.
If you are facing any trouble please let me know by commenting below, or contact me directly via the Contact page.
Related Google Queries:
Windows 7 Professional: always forgets shared directory on truecrypt volume
"Shares" on local hard drive are lost when the drive is disconnected
I followed the tutorial and receive a 0x02 error when running the task. Any ideas on why?