How many friends do you have on
Facebook? Hundreds? Sharing your life with that many people could be fun, but there are times when you just want to share private things to a smaller and more intimate group.
It’s true that you can adjust Facebook to let you share things to a few selected people, but why not try to use a web service which is specifically built to cater to this need? Meet
Minigroup – a web tool that will help you create your own small private groups to share posts, files, and events.
Let’s Get The Groups Going
The first step you need to do to create your private online groups is to
sign up for the service. Fill in all the required fields, set your time zone, upload a photo, and click the red “
Create my account” button.
After the signing up step, you can start creating your groups. Click the “
+ Create a group” button under your profile picture.
You can also watch the introduction video to get familiar with the features.
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