Thursday, June 16, 2011

Monitor Your Google Analytics Data From Your Android Home Screen

Developed by XDA-Developers member RorolePro, Simple Analytics Widget for Android is a reasonably good-looking home screen widget that displays traffic analytics for a user-defined Google Analytics profile. The widget, when added to the home screen, lets you select a Google account registered with your device and in the screen that follows allows you to specify the Google Analytics profile (website) and the value to be tracked (Unique visitors a day or Visits a day). You should, obviously, have Google Analytics properly installed on your website for the widget to gather any data.

SetupSimple Analytics Widget For Android

The widget displays the trend of the selected website’s traffic as shown in the screenshot above (right). Tapping the widget refreshes the displayed data. The widget is particularly useful for those who own multiple websites and want an easy way to keep an eye on their traffic. You can add multiple widgets, each for a separate Google Analytics profile and keep track of the affiliated websites’ traffic right from your home screen.

You can grab the widget from the Android Market for free via the provided link or QR code.

Download Analytics Widget

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