Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spice Up Your Home Screen With Pattern Wallpapers [Android 1.6+]

Spice Up Your Home Screen With Pattern Wallpapers [Android 1.6+]:

android wallpaperWallpapers can make all the difference in setting the right atmosphere. What is true for your home, also works on your phone. If you are bored with your present Android home screen background, try Pattern Wallpapers. This Android app comes with over a million different patterns and a few simple but neat features to mix them up.

The Basic Layout

Pattern Wallpapers has a simplistic two tab layout. One tab is your window to inspiring patterns, while your favorite patterns are stored in the saved hearts tab.

android wallpaper

The Basic Functions

Does one of the previews look interesting? Click it for a full screen preview. Via the buttons at the bottom, you can set the pattern as your wallpaper, add it to your hearts or remove it, email it to a friend, or save it to your gallery.

android wallpaper app

Within the inspiring patterns tab, you can view five inspiring patterns at a time. To refresh the page and load five different patterns, click the respective button. Once enabled, you can also shake your device to view a new set of inspiring patterns.

android wallpaper app


To enable shake sensitivity, open the app preferences and move the respective slider towards the right, depending on how sensitive you want it to be. Moving it to the far right will achieve maximum sensitivity.

android wallpaper app

Within the preferences you can also choose whether inspiring patterns will be sourced randomly or from the newest set of patterns. When you enable the wallpaper auto-changing interval, your home screen background will cycle through your saved hearts patterns, i.e. your favorites. The further you move the slider to the left, the more often the wallpaper will change.

The amount of patterns you can add to the saved hearts tab can also be determined with the position of the slider.

wallpapers for android


Not satisfied with the results from random refreshes? Try to search for patterns based on your favorite user, a keyboard, or a hex color.

wallpapers for android

Pattern Wallpapers feeds on patterns posted to the COLOURlovers community. If you are looking for something special, you can browse patterns on the website, then search the respective pattern name or the user who uploaded it within the app. Unfortunately, it seems that not all COLOURlovers designs and users are represented within Pattern Wallpapers, at least I was not able to find all the patterns I searched for.


Finally, to always stay up to date with the latest and coolest, add the Pattern of the Day widget to your home screen.

android wallpaper


Pattern Wallpapers serves a simple purpose – providing access to a seemingly endless collection of patterns that can be used as wallpapers for your Android home screen. The app’s layout is basic, the features few and easy, and yet skimming through more and more patterns is easily addictive. Don’t let it distract you too much, it’s just wallpapers.

Patterns can be quite cool. Here are a few alternatives in case Pattern Wallpapers doesn’t quite meet your taste:

Image source: Frame on Retro Wallpaper Image Via Shutterstock

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