Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Build and manage your home inventory with HomeZada Essentials

Build and manage your home inventory with HomeZada Essentials:

HomeZada Essentials is a free web service that greatly simplifies the management of your home. You can pay for some premium features but this review will be focusing on what you can do with a free account.
The big feature for HomeZada Essentials is the home inventory and document management. A home inventory is something every homeowner is supposed to do and have on-file with their insurance agent. The document management just makes it possible to hold onto all of the paperwork that accompanies owning a home like mortgage documents, service contracts, tax information, and emergency contacts.
To make use of HomeZada, it is as simple as signing up, confirming your email address, and defining your property. You add your home (give a name for the property and its address). You then enter your number of bedrooms and bathrooms and the type of property (Single Family home, etc.). From there HomeZada will use the information you provided to create a quick template of your house with some common rooms and typical inventory items in each room.
You can add new spaces, delete rooms, and make it adapt to your home’s unique features. Your job is to then go room by room and complete an inventory of your home. You name an item, enter its purchase date, purchase price, where you bought it, and what brand each item is.
To complete your inventory, you take photos of each room and upload them. You can make use of HomeZada’s mobile apps for iOS and Android devices to make this step much easier. You can upload documents related to your inventory items like the owner’s manuals and warranty information for easy access later. You can also invite others to access your properties account so they can participate in managing it.
When all your information is entered, you can view reports of your home value and see how your inventory costs break-down by room. This is the part that you will be turning into your home insurance agent. You print off a report for your insurance company, putting yourself in a better position should a natural disaster strike your property.
With entering this much information, of course, you want to read through the Privacy Policy and make sure you agree with it.
Other features of HomeZada include checklists for seasonal maintenance, yardwork, and cleaning. You can build a list of companies involved with your home (landscaping company, pesticide, roofing) so you know exactly who to call when something comes up.
For free, HomeZada Essentials offers cloud-based storage of your property inventory and its templates aid the task beyond what you could do with just a spreadsheet.
Check it out for yourself at www.homezada.com.

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