Thursday, December 02, 2010

Share The Interesting Conversations You Have Via Text Message With Bnter

Share The Interesting Conversations You Have Via Text Message With Bnter: "

We all have interesting SMS conversations from time to time, some of which can be quite funny or entertaining. What usually happens is you’ll start texting one of your friends back and forth, some funny comments will be made, and when you’re done that’s that. Your text conversation is then either deleted or buried amongst the rest of your SMS conversations never to be seen again. Unless you are automatically backing them up.

Bnter, pronounced ‘banter’, changes all that.

Bnter lets you look through your text conversations, pick the most interesting parts, and publish them on a personal profile page for all your friends to see. It’s simple, free, and provides an amusing platform for you and your friends to interact with one another. In this article, I’ll show you how Bnter works, highlighting some of the website’s most appealing features.

Who’s Behind Bnter?

Bnter was created by Lauren Leto and Patrick Moberg. Lauren is also one of the co-founders of Texts From Last Night, which is similar in concept to Bnter. The difference is that Texts From Last Night lets you anonymously share single messages that are then picked and displayed publicly for everyone’s amusement.

While it’s a pretty entertaining idea, Bnter (directory app) is more focused on sharing conversations and learning about the lives of your friends and others you meet on the site. It helps build community, which I think makes it an attractive platform for your text messages.

How Does It Work?

To start using Bnter, the first thing you’ll want to do is head over to their homepage and sign up. Then, you can fill out some information you would like to be displayed on your profile page and locate your friends via Facebook and Twitter.

Once you’re all set, you can really start using Bnter. Click on Post A Conversation and you’ll be taken to a page where you can enter the information from your conversation. You can select who the conversation took place with, enter the back and forth “banter”, and write in tags to describe the conversation for easy searching later on.

When you’re done, you can choose to post it to your Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr account.

What Else Can You Do?

Bnter limits how long your conversation thread can be to highlight the most meaningful parts. The tagging feature allows you to categorize your conversations and clicking on tags lets you search the feed to find similar conversations.

Your friends will be able to follow you and comment on the text conversations you share. If a text is between yourself and another user, you can attribute them. Also, check your mentions to see conversations attributed to yourself.

Finally, you have the ability to repost posts that interest you. You can edit the tags to add your own voice, which is similar to how reposting works on Tumblr.


Now that you know how it works, you can invite your friends to come join in the fun and share their best conversations with you. All those great text messages you sent and received now have a place to live and entertain others, instead of being lost forever inside your phone.

What do you think of Bnter? Do you have epic SMS conversations with your friends that you would like to share?

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