Tuesday, August 31, 2010

10 Websites With Really Cool Inventions You Don’t Know About

10 Websites With Really Cool Inventions You Don’t Know About: "

cool inventionsThis instrument is commonplace today. But when it was first invented, someone said “an amazing invention – but who would ever want to use one?”

The Doubting Thomases were talking about a cool new invention called the telephone. Inventions start off like that. Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention.

A well known misquote said that everything that can be invented has been invented. That was uttered more than a hundred years ago, and if it had been true, we wouldn’t be reading this article sitting hundreds or thousands of miles apart in front of a lit up glass screen. Thank God for the spirit of invention and innovation.

Even the most skeptical among us sits up to take notice when some breakthrough happens. But the really interested of the lot go out looking for any new cool invention that’s being cooked up. You can wait for the year-end roundups like the one from Time or check up on any of these websites now and talk about cool (and absurdly weird) inventions.

Popular Science

cool inventions

The site’s tagline reads – The Future Now. Popular Science brings new technology and science news as it is happening right now. Most of it is on the cutting edge. If it all sounds too serious, do a bit of crystal gazing on This Week in the Future. But their richest resource can be mined from their 137 year old archived collections made available for free browsing.

New Scientist

cool new inventions

The New Scientist website is all about scientific discovery, and its industrial, commercial and social consequences. It is one of the most popular destinations for those interested in cool inventions and innovations. The patent news blog which made for interesting reads on new cool inventions though has been discontinued. The best bet is to follow the news or use the search feature.

Sci-Tech Today

cool new inventions

Sci-Tech Today brings current news from many areas of human scientific development. As a reader interested in cool inventions, you might like to check out topics headlined under Innovation. I just read a piece and found that a glass first manufactured in 1962 is on the cusp of becoming a multi-million dollar business now, fifty years later. Were you in the know about Gorilla Glass?

Seed Magazine

cool new inventions

Are you looking for a better material? Did you know that there is a unique consultancy that displays a library of innovative new materials that anyone can use for research? Read about such innovations and cool inventions on this online magazine that covers technology and how it impacts business, design, and even politics.


futuristic inventions and cool stuff

You might like this blog after reading all the serious stuff in the previous ones. The blog on cool inventions collates inspirations and innovations from around the websphere and presents it for quick reading but with lots of photos. Check out the mention on the Shark Inspired Personal Watercraft.

Inventor Spot

futuristic inventions and cool stuff

Inventorspot.com is not only about the guy who likes to read up on latest inventions, innovations and interesting ideas, but also for the wannabe inventor. Inventors can check out the well listed resources for their kind like the InventorPages directory. Then there’s the Inventor’s Forum for all kinds of chit chat.

But as an interested reader, I would check out the Inventor Gallery where lots of cool (and crazy) inventions are arranged around categories. For instance, the Keyboard Organizer is something I could use in my space starved room.

Invention Reaction

futuristic inventions and cool stuff

Inventionreaction.com is very similar to the above website in that it provides all the regular dope on inventions from around the world. An interesting read in the Invention Timeline which chronologically lists groundbreaking inventions since the early millennia. You can then balance your reading of the latest cool inventions with a few from the funny and weird inventions list. How about the Defendius Door Chain as a home security system?

Invent Now

Kids are instinctively inventive. That’s what InventNow.org comes forward to prove with its gallery of inventions that have been submitted by kids. The website also includes games, message board, contest and other activities. You can search for cool inventions by kids using the search or go through them in the Gallery. You have to move a conveyer belt to look at each one of them.

Invent Help News

Get invention and technology news in the form of free detailed articles which also link to the main sources. The news comes from a variety of fields, from advertising to fashion inventions. How about a Smart Mirror if you have a phobia about shopping on your own.

Why Not

cool inventions

Whynot.net is about asking questions and generating ideas, some of which will hopefully spark inventions. The community powered website works like an open discussion board where you can post your ideas and get support and inputs from members. Like one of the ideas points to the YouTube video of a machine that converts plastic into oil. The website is less about illustrations and more about enlightened ideas and discussions.

Then there are the websites that help you scour the patents that get filled every day. A web resource like Patent Storm gives you the whole shebang but may be dull as dishwater for the casual reader. But Patently Silly might help to bring the sense of absurd back with a funny look at some cool inventions.

Are you inspired by inventions? Do you like reading about them? Let us know about any web places you like to hang out to read about cool inventions.

Image Credit : Wikimedia Commons

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