Monday, November 01, 2010

5 Awesome & Easy “Pimp My Laptop” Ideas

5 Awesome & Easy “Pimp My Laptop” Ideas: "

pimp my laptopFrom laptop skins to etchings to USB accessories, there is no limit to the ways you can pimp your laptop to make it look and feel just the way you want it to. From removable to permanent changes, there are all sorts of ways you can change your laptop’s appearance, and geek out to your heart’s content.

Adding a personal touch to your laptop can be the best way to add a little bit of edge to your gear, and we’ve rounded up some of the best places to go to do just that.

1. Skins and Decals

For a temporary change, laptop skins and decals that are easily removable are great way to change up your laptop, without making any permanent changes. When purchasing, just make sure that they are easily removable, otherwise you’ll be stuck with that sticker for as long as you have the laptop.


Skyn offers a huge variety of stylish skins to give your laptop a bit of pizzaz. Most of their skins are probably geared more towards women, although the simpler designs will appeal to just about anyone. And for those looking for a bit of bling, you can even get personalised skins with Swarovski crystals.

pimp my laptop


Gelaskins has such a huge variety of laptop skins for Mac and PC laptops, there’s something there for everyone. From Tim Burton artwork to elaborate digital art, to photography, their selection is endless. You can even use your own art or photography to create a skin. Gelaskins are also available for your mobile phones, MP3 players, tablets, ereaders and gaming consoles.

decorate laptop lid

Skin Styler

Mac users can also get trackpad skins to liven up more than just the exterior of your laptops with Skin Styler.

decorate laptop lid

Other places you can find great laptop skins and decals are Etsy, Schtickers and SkinIt.

2. Sleeves and Hard Cases

If you’re priority is to keep your laptop protected, you can do it in style with funky sleeves and hardshell cases.

Speck Products

Speck Products have a wide selection of sleeves and hard cases specifically designed for MacBooks. It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of Speck. Let us know if a particular design catches your eye, we could possibly give it away!

decorate laptop lid


Better known for their sturdy luggage, Titan also have a neoprene laptop sleeve on offer. It might not be the flashiest way to pimp your laptop, but the fact that you can keep it on the laptop while you work on it earns it a spot on this list.

laptop accessories

3. Engravings and Airbrushing

For the more adventurous, getting your laptop airbrushed or engraved is another option for jazzing up your laptop.

Smooth Creations

If you’re looking to buy a new laptop, you can order one from Smooth Creations airbrushed and ready to go.

laptop accessories

Laser It All & Etchamac

With Laser It All you can have any design of your choice engraved on your laptop. Mac users can also create their own design to have engraved on their laptops at ETCHamac.

laptop accessories

4. Keyboard and Mouse Accessories

Another less permanent way to pimp your laptop is to accessorise your keyboard and mouse.


If you prefer to use a mouse with your laptop, there’s no limit to the cool mousepads you can find. ThinkGeek’s Noteable Mousepad lets you make notes on its etch-a-sketch like surface. The Perpetual Kid has a collection of unique mousepads from a retro TV mousepad to a daily mood tracker mousepad.


Anyone can get in on the fun with glowing keyboard stickers from Think Geek, making your keyboard look as though it’s backlit.


5. USB Accessories

USB Accessories are another easy way to get all those little extras you might need to have around you while you’re working on your laptop.

Cool yourself down in the summer with a USB fan that you can keep next to your laptop.

Alternatively, you can keep a chilled drink in a USB LED beverage cooler.

If you’re in a festive mood, USB LED Christmas lights will add a bit of cheer to your surroundings.

For the more practical readers, USB Geek’s radar pen holder monitors your CPU and RAM usage, while also giving you a place to keep your pens handy.

pimp my laptop

What have you done to pimp your laptop? Let us know in the comments.

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