Monday, March 02, 2009

Cramberry: make studying easier with web-based flash cards

I wish Cramberry had been around when I was in high school. All those introductory classes, with their requirements of rote memorization, were totally exhausting. Carrying around massive stacks of flash cards with the Latin names of trees written on them is no longer necessary, though. Now you can put your flashcards online with Cramberry.

Cramberry supports multiple sets, and you can make them public, in case you've got study partners you want to share with. To make a card, just enter the text for the front and back. Sorry, art history students, but there's no image support yet. Once you've got your cards set up, Cramberry will quiz you. The best feature is that the cards you're getting wrong most often show up more frequently, to give you extra practice. Cramberry threw a few php errors during my test, but it works smoothly for the most part, and it's a great concept.

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